Fuzzy Mud
Fuzzy Mud By Louis Sachar Fuzzy Mud is a young adult novel by Louis Sachar. The story follows the lives of two middle school students, Tamaya and Marshall. One day on their way home from school, they take a shortcut through the woods and discover a strange, fuzzy mud. Tamaya touches the mud and develops a rash, prompting the school to go on lockdown to prevent a potential virus outbreak. The fuzzy mud is revealed to be a genetically modified organism created by a scientist. Tamaya and Marshall work together to expose the truth about the fuzzy mud and prevent future accidents from happening. Fuzzy Mud is a realistic science fiction book in which Sachar does an excellent job of keeping the reader on edge as the mystery of the fuzzy mud unfolds. This is a great science fiction book for young adults because it masterfully mixes science fiction with things that normal kids deal with, such as fitting in and bullying. Additionally, this book engages childr...